Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Am i have nothing better to do?

Been raising up the situation that we faced, highlighting the issues and so on...

Keep reminding the things which happened, also dont know how many umph times already... reminding through verbally... ok la... no prove hor... cannot remember...

ok... fine... not everyone is free... not everyone is free to gather around to have meeting... due to work... due to studies... some stuffs... I understand... but everyone has email address and online MSN everyday for chatting, so they do check their email. I presume they DO check emails, even if that's not everyday but also at least once a week?

But then, whenever everytime emails being sent out to everyone, WHO EVER reply to me???!!! Looks like nobody cares!

Or it's my problem here? Or they just pretend that they didn't receive that email???

Why is everyone not bothering the emails?

It's not the forwarded emails that I sent. Already mentioned very clearly in the subject of the email.

Hey, the problem that I raised is within the group. Just want to avoid or prevent the same thing(s) happened again. Should learn it from history and definately NOT to repeat the same mistakes!!!

Am I the one wasting my time for nothing better to do here? Doing things that will have NO feedback, nobody bother the situation if it's really happened... i had been doing the same thing and giving so many chances for many times.


May be i should quit.

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